Chesterfield Service Heating & Cooling
Dave was very organized, informative and enthusiastic. He made class fun and interesting. I would strongly consider attending more classes provided by BDR and will recommend this class to other technicians. (Jake)
Awesome discussion between companies. Dave is very knowledgeable and an excellent communicator. (Shaun)
Dave did a great job of communicating with new & old technicians alike. Thank you! (Travis)
- Travis Seeger
Comfort Master’s Heating & Air Conditioning
Revenue up 20% with help through Marketing Strategy and Tammy Vasquez women's network; had $50,000 in Revenue in the month of August from renewals of maintenance.
- Faye Brown
Design Air, Inc.
Top Gun Installer Excellence shows how all departments are tied together and depend on each other to perform the perfect job. Dave shares experiences and real-life examples to show how important each person is to the company. Powerful class for all installers and solution advisors.
- Mike Breidenbach
Dick Hill and Son Heating & Air Conditioning Inc
Just wanted to say thank you for all your help and information at Service Dispatch University. Since I have returned home, we have implemented lots of things from class. I downloaded the workbook you were showing me for the 8 for 10 and use it daily. I love it! The D4D is going great. We are doing maintenance agreements in the rain. My poor Techs don't like it but aren't complaining, and they still bring me chocolates! I have switched from 2-hour window scheduling to morning or afternoon. I am in the process of hiring an assistant. And last but not least, I have my map hung in my office and all zones changed in our system to match the map! I have been very busy. I just wanted to take a few minutes to let you know all of your hard work pays off! Thank you so much!

- Angie Lacy
Fire & Ice Heating & Air Conditioning
I just wanted to take a quick moment and thank you again for your time and the opportunity for my department as well as for myself to learn from you
I am so excited that we had this class at a point where I and many of my team are new to Fire & Ice. We can lay the framework and foundation for profitable development and growth through attention to detail and exemplary customer service. I am eager to begin taking what we learned and discussed and begin to apply it to our operations and begin to drive the changes we need to make to properly position ourselves for the long run.
Again, thank you so much for everything. It was such a valuable class and I am eager to see the dividends pay off from commitment and investment into the myriad of topics or points discussed.
- Charles Wolf
Frank’s Heating & Refrigeration
Our county has taken quite a slump due to the economy and dealing with unlicensed contractors and we maintained our profit; We are very diversified and will do anything that generates an invoice and that is how you survive in my county; Thanks to BDR support has kept our heads up through this whole mess and that is why we are still here. WAHOO!!
- Frank Ormande
Frederick Air, Inc.
I just wanted to take a minute and thank you again for the great training provided in the Top Gun Technician Excellence class led by Dave Consulo. One by one, my Technicians have come to thank me for the opportunity to attend the training. I must say that I usually don't get that response. Customarily during training, I periodically check in and see how things are going and to make sure the guys are attentive and engaged. Every time I checked, I found each employee fully engaged and interested in the presentation. Dave set the bar for training here at Frederick Air. A bar that may never be matched.
We have seen terrific results such as a needed increase to our average tickets and a growing gross profit margin across the Service Department. The best evidence of the success of this training came to light when one of our most seasoned Technicians won a quarterly truck revenue contest. He's a typical Technician that is adamant that "he's not a salesman." He had the highest truck revenue for the quarter and we called him in to give him his bonus. He emphatically stated that he achieved this honor without selling anything to anyone. He then went on to ask how much longer this conversation was going to take because it was preventing him from getting out in the truck, running calls, and working on winning next quarter.
Overall... I couldn't be more pleased with the results or the return on investment in our team. Thanks again!
- Steve Schmidt
Gene’s Refrigeration
I've been an hvac service technician for 15 years, and to be able to elevate my professionalism in the field and the office has been very valuable me as well as my employer. I've been able to offer better service for my customers, higher average ticket numbers, and elevated my earning potential. Thank you BDR University!
- Chris Evans
Since bringing on and training our Residential General Manager and Residential Service Manager from outside the ownership group, I have tried to make "my company vision" our "company vision." For years, I have struggled with goal setting with my managers who always seem to agree with my stated goals and benchmarks, but leave me disappointed with the implementation.
Profit Launch was the perfect format for identifying and benchmarking our goals and making "the business plan" "our business plan."
I would recommend Profit Launch to anyone wanting to get their management team on the same road to growth and prosperity.
- Matt Patton
Glenn-Aire LLC
10-year Coaching client - 40% sales growth in Year 2014. My son Matt, the Comfort Consultant will do $1mm in sales. We will have the company paid off next year. BDR is business partner where you don't have to share 1/2 the profit - helped me a lot!
- Jeff McKenzie