Succeeding with an Online Store

In this episode of the Prime Resources Podcast, BDR Head Coach Gwen Campbell discusses the concept of an online store for contractors and provides insights on how to succeed. She explains that an online store can be anything from a simple cart system to a builder system where customers can customize their purchases.

The key is determining what type of online store to offer and what options to present to customers. Gwen also emphasizes the importance of having a sales process and involving the entire team in the online store setup.

Discover how to capture more opportunities in your market and reach a growing number of consumers who prefer to purchase online!

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Key Takeaways

  • An online store for contractors can be a simple cart or builder system where customers can customize their purchases.
  • A well-defined sales process and involving the entire team in the online store setup are crucial for success.
  • The online store presents an opportunity for contractors to reach a growing number of consumers who prefer to purchase online.
  • Selling systems online requires the right technology and software, such as load calculation and pre-qualification tools, to support them.
  • Pre-qualifying customers before they go through the online store can help increase sales conversion rates.
  • Working with third-party platforms or marketing companies can simplify the setup and maintenance of the online store.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating the online store, including product offerings and pricing, is essential to stay competitive.
  • Exploring financing options that offer pre-qualification features can enhance the customer experience and increase sales.

Succeeding with an Online Store Time Stamps

  • 00:00 – Succeeding with an Online Store for Contractors
  • 04:04 – The Opportunity of Online Stores for Contractors
  • 06:06 – System Selling and Technology in Online Stores
  • 07:56 – The Importance of Pre-Qualifying Customers
  • 10:41 – Setting Up and Maintaining an Online Store
  • 13:29 – Communicating with the Sales Team
  • 15:58 – Enhancing the Customer Experience with Pre-Qualification
  • 18:02 – Regularly Updating the Online Store

About Gwen Campbell

Gwen Campbell boasts a 15-year career in HVAC, excelling in various roles from sales and marketing to service management and accounting systems. Rising through the ranks, she introduced innovative sales strategies that significantly boosted profitability and morale. Gwen’s dedication to building a sales culture and client trust has been a cornerstone of her successful career, which fuels her passion for sales planning, building processes, tracking the numbers, the ritual of the sales process, and winning referrals.

About Prime Resources Podcast

BDR’s Prime Resources Podcast is dedicated to providing you with the knowledge you need to help your business achieve Prime results—Prime being the most flourishing stage or state.

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