Crafting a Business Plan that Transforms Vision into Action

Crafting a Business Plan that Transforms Vision into Action.

Imagine you’re about to embark on the trip of a lifetime. Your destination is crystal clear — you can practically feel the sun on your face as you picture yourself relaxing at the end of the journey. But there’s a catch: You’ve got no map. No directions, no guide, just a vague idea of where you want to end up. Without a plan, you’re left guessing at every turn, risking delays, frustration, and failure.

Now, think about your business. Are you approaching it the same way? You might have a vivid vision of success — like the view from that dream vacation home — but how will you actually get there without a concrete business plan?

About the Author

Ronda Chaney is a Head Coach & Trainer for Business Development Resources (BDR), the premier business training and coaching provider to the home service industry. Her HVAC experience spans over a decade in administration, sales, customer service, and departmental and division-level management roles. Interlacing her people skills and mission to help her clients develop and grow, Ronda credits their success as a direct driver of her success.

Read the article by BDR Head Coach & Trainer Ronda Chaney, published in Mechanical Hub.

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