BDR Coaches Corner: A Successful Company Culture Starts With a Solid Foundation

Coaches Corner February 2019

A Successful Company Culture Starts With a Solid Foundation

I believe it safe to say that a key objective of any organization is to be successful. For our purposes, we’ll define success as “the accomplishment of a noble aim or purpose.” Unfortunately, few organizations can boast true success. 

Success may be elusive to an organization for many reasons: the lack of a clear aim or purpose; a cause without nobility – it doesn’t inspire or motivate; or, a failure to identify, establish and execute the steps required to the reach the objectives. A common and pervasive force in these organizations is a culture of apathy and acceptance of failure.

Successful organizations, on the other hand, have a culture of success. This culture is the driving force and expects high-level performance from the organization and every stakeholder. It embraces positive change.  Strong company culture values accountability and demands processes and procedures. It learns from failures and celebrates achievement. Culture is the organization’s personality – deeply embedded in everything it says and does.

A culture of success starts with a solid foundation. That foundation is comprised of Vision, Values and Mission Statements. They are the core of what an organization is and hopes to become. Great thought and effort should be made to ensure that these foundational anchors are solid and paint a clear picture for that will become the organization’s culture.

The Vision Statement is the descriptive picture of what the organization strives to achieve or become.  It’s that Noble Cause that inspires and motivates. Getting this right is critical because it sets the direction; and to an extent the destination, of the organization. 

The Statement of Values comprise the collective principles and ideals that guide the thoughts and actions of all within the organization. Selected values must be descriptive and have precise meaning.  Values should be clearly communicated to and understood by all. 

The Mission Statement describes and defines the organization’s purpose. It explains how the organization functions consistent with the Vision and Values.  It states the relationships among the various stakeholders.  The mission is something that is actualized – it’s what the organization does.

Embedding the Vision, Values and Mission statements into the organization starts at the top.  Leaders must exemplify the virtues embodied in them. They must use them as the filter for all they think, do and say. Leaders must then cultivate them in the organization by holding all accountable to them. 

With the Vision, Values and Mission Statement established as a foundation, the leaders are now able to begin establishing the structure, systems, style, skills, staff and strategies – the other elements of the culture — that will propel the organization to success.

If you have already established your Mission, Vision and Value statements take the time to reflect on how well these core beliefs are embedded in your company and are they being utilized to make decisions and clearly communicate your purpose daily to the team. If you have not established these core foundations in your business and need help, please ask your coach to assist you in developing. 


Kevin Nott

Head Coach