Building Blocks of a Successful Culture
BDR Head Coach
One of the things many successful organizations have in common is having developed and maintained a culture where high achievement and positive change are embraced throughout the organization. This successful business culture is built upon a solid foundation of vision, values, and mission statements that clearly describe and define the culture, give it life, and inspire all to embrace it. With a solid foundation, culture is then established by weaving it throughout the organization. The building blocks for building this culture are structure, systems, style, skills, staffing, and strategies.
In developing a strong culture, the fewer the levels within the organization (as viewed on the Organizational Chart), the easier and quicker the culture can be infused. Observing key managers “living” the culture is critical for those further removed to embrace the culture themselves. As the culture is firmly embedded, the hierarchy can then grow deeper.
Successful organizations identify key activities and behaviors that are critical to the success of the organization and its culture. Processes and procedures for these are established, documented, and rigidly adhered to. Everyone is expected to follow the process.
Open communication, where information is freely shared without fear of reprisal, is essential for a strong and positive culture. In this environment, team members actively work together for the success of one another and the organization. Accountability and celebration are essential elements.
Individual and organizational competence in meeting the wants and needs of the customer—both internal and external—is critical. An organization and its people must be exceptional in the core areas of success. Understanding limitations and weaknesses keeps organizations and individuals from promising what they cannot exceptionally deliver.
Ultimately, people determine the effectiveness of the culture. Attitudes and behaviors of the people carry the culture forward. Therefore, hiring and retaining individuals who embrace the organization’s vision and mission and share the organization’s values are essential. Assessing individuals prior to hiring for abilities, motivation, interest, and personality helps onboard culture-compatible individuals (ask your coach about assessment testing through Recruit 4 Business). After hiring, an individual’s ability and desire to mesh with the culture becomes the measuring stick for continued employment.
The plan of action developed and employed to carry forward the mission, vision, and values of the organization is the strategy. A strategy is a high-level and long-term set of measurable milestones that generally include financial goals. Within the strategy are lower-level goals – or tactical goals – with shorter timeframes and more specific objectives. From the strategic and tactical goals, operations goals – short-term measurable goals – are established. All goals must align with the strategy.
In summary, successful organizations develop and maintain a culture of success by establishing a strong foundation with a clear and inspiring vision, strong shared values, and a well-defined mission. The structure, systems, style, skills, staffing, and strategies are built upon that foundation and work in harmony to ensure that a successful culture thrives.
About the Author
Kevin Nott has been actively involved in the HVAC industry for 30+ years and has been a Profit Coach with BDR for over 12+ years. Kevin has extensive experience with both the residential and commercial markets and in service, maintenance, replacement, and new construction. The companies he has managed ranged in size from just over $1 million to over $5 million in revenues.
Before joining BDR, Kevin had attended several BDR training courses and was impressed by the vision and practical approach to profit and growth that BDR was sharing. He saw firsthand the many companies that were experiencing great success as a result of their involvement with