how to register while logged in

Learn how to register for events while logged in using the step-by-step instructions and screenshots below

Why should I log in?

While logging in is entirely optional when registering, clients using our coaching services may have rewards or credits on file which can be applied when logged in. In addition, logging in will allow our website to autofill some of your information.

1. Log in with your account

Click on the 'Log in' link near the top of the page. This will open a new tab where you can log in with the same credentials you would use to access SharePoint.

Screenshot (36)

Enter your  email, click 'Next', enter your password or request a verification code, and click 'Sign in'.

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2. Navigate back to registration and refresh the page

Once you have successfully logged in, you will see this dashboard screen. Navigate back to the registration page by clicking on the original tab. Then, refresh the page by clicking on the refresh button on the upper left of the window.

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3. Verify and fill out Point of Contact information

The personal information of the point of contact should already be pre-filled in. Verify that the first name, last name, and phone number are correct. Then, confirm the email address and select whether the point of contact will be attending the event. If selecting 'NO - the point of contact will not be attending', you can provide the contact information of the coordinating attendee in step 5.

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4. Verify and fill out company details

The company details should also already be pre-filled out. Verify that the company address information is correct and make any necessary adjustments. Then, enter the company website URL.

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5. Verify and fill out coordinating attendee information

If you selected 'YES - the point of contact will be attending' at the end of step 3, then the contact information fields will be grayed out as shown below. Select the session pass you wish to purchase.

Screenshot (47)

If you selected 'NO - the point of contact will not be attending' at the end of step 3, then you can edit the contact information of the coordinating attendee in addition to selecting the section pass.

Screenshot (43)

What’s a coordinating attendee?

If you are only registering one person, that person is the coordinating attendee. If you are registering multiple attendees, the coordinating attendee will be looped in on any communication regarding class details or materials for the entire group. If a different Point of Contact is specified, both the Point of Contact and Coordinating Attendee will be looped in on communications from our events team.

6. Let us know how you heard about this event

Select one of the choices from the drop down menu to let us know how you heard about this event. You may be asked for names or other details about how you were made aware of this event depending on what you select.

The subtotal will reflect the price of the session pass you selected in step 5.

Click the button "Next: Confirm attendees" to advance to the next page of the registration process.

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7. Add additional attendees

Input the number of additional attendees that will be attending the event. Additional input fields will appear below for each attendee added.

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For each additional attendee, input their first and last name, email, and the appropriate pass for the session they will be attending.

Screenshot (48)

8. Review Attendee Information

Ensure that the names, emails, and selected passes for each attendee are correct. If changes need to be made, additional attendee information can be modified on this page and contact information for the coordinating attendee can be modified by clicking the 'Previous: Contact Information' button.

The subtotal will reflect the cost of all selected passes.

Once you have verified that all attendee information is correct, click the 'Next: Payment Details' button to advance to the next page.


9. (Optional) Apply SAI Points

This page displays a summary of the attendee list and the total due payment for all selected passes. Credits on file will be automatically applied towards your total. You can optionally apply any amount of SAI Points from your account balance towards the total as well.

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10. Input payment information

Choose which of the following steps to follow depending on whether or not you would like to use the payment method on file for your account.

Follow these steps if you would like to use your own payment method:

If you do not want to use the payment on file, select 'No'. Your total will reflect the total of all selected passes minus any SAI points or credits that were applied.

Screenshot (49)

Input your credit card number, expiration date, security code, and the cardholder name. Then, click the 'Submit' button to complete the transaction.

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Follow these steps if you would like to use the payment method on file:

If you would like to use the payment on file, select 'Yes'. Then, input the number of payments you would like to split this purchase into, which will adjust the amount billed monthly to your payment method. Your total will reflect the total of all selected passes minus any SAI points or credits that were applied.

Screenshot (51)

Click the 'Submit' button to complete the transaction.

Screenshot (52)

If your payment is successful, you will see this confirmation screen and have successfully completed the registration process!

Screenshot (35)