Reliable 1
I’m writing this letter regarding the onsite visit we had with Barb Geiger and Laura Finley on June 25-28, 2018. This was my first experience with having an onsite visit from our financial coaches and I have to say it was amazing.
The information, guidance, and help I personally received from Barb and Laura was very much welcomed and appreciated. This truly was a great experience and helped me understand the direction Rick is wanting his company to grow in. This onsite also helped me to understand the reasoning for departmentalization and why we are moving in that direction.
Not only were Barb and Laura professional, but they were very patient and understanding when teaching and guiding me through the clean ups from the past month end closings and what to look for going forward.
The only negative thing I can say is that I felt like the time they were here flew by and I wasn’t ready for them to leave that Thursday. I learned so much those 4 days and I look forward to my continued phone calls with Barb and next year’s onsite.
- Page Hansen