RSP Heating & Cooling
It’s amazing with the recession and everything you hear on TV, some of the worst economic times since the great depression and here I am flourishing having some of the best years I had in my life and it is all due to BDR.
At first my business ran me, it was very frustrating not having any time with my family; my daughter and my wife never saw me. One of the reasons I got into Profit Coach was the fact that I didn’t have answers, know where to go or what to do. I started business pretty much for financial freedom. I was always robbing Peter to pay Paul, get this job done so I can pay that one. That was one of the frustrating parts, not knowing what to do.
When I got involved with BDR one of the things that happened immediately was the fact that my revenue dramatically changed to double quadruple and the best part of that was that I could get answers… I could call somebody. The nice thing about having someone there is that when you’re making decisions you can have support, someone that can help you make the decision, but not necessarily make it for you. That is really neat because you get to learn from it, you’re the one doing it.
From there to now my profit is up 160%, I have money in the bank, my bills are paid, I don’t have to worry about payroll and the vendors are paid. The nice thing about this is that I am sleeping, that is a phenomenal feeling.
- Jim Wiehl