Leadership Excellence Academy Foundations 2021-22

An ongoing development program for building leadership skills that focuses on creating connection, building influence, and generating enhanced results

Become the leader your team deserves

The success and failures of a company begin and end with leadership. In the words of John C. Maxwell, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

Become a member of BDR’s Leadership Excellence Academy and invest in your abilities to coach and mentor your team while developing skills in 6 crucial leadership areas.

Bi-Monthly Live Workshops

Held the 2nd Tuesday of the month, these 4-hour training workshops provide you with the opportunity to learn valuable leadership skills and best practices.

  • Determine your leadership level (Sept. 14, 2021)
  • Determine your leadership style & capacity (Nov. 9, 2021)
  • How to become an influencer (Jan. 11, 2022)
  • Go from communicating to connecting (Mar. 8, 2022)
  • Empowering your team to success (May 10, 2022)
  • Leading people: managing the process (July 12, 2022)

Additional Benefits and Support

Beyond the live workshops, we provide you with additional tools to help you develop your skills and make the most of the Leadership Excellence program

  • Targeted podcasts - One for each live workshop to help you get prepared and for later review.
  • Online courses - Your learning doesn't stop when a live workshop ends. Stay focused by completing these self-paced sessions between the live workshops.


Want to learn more about the Leadership Excellence Academy? Use the link above to download our introductory podcast and listen to Jeff Plant describe the Academy program and benefits.

Join our mailing list below to be the first to be notified once registration is open.

Ready to Take Action?

Leadership Excellence Academy Academy.