Turning Obstacles into Opportunities | Five Minutes Forward

BDR Production Specialist Ajanay Homsher joins Angie Swartz on the newest episode of Five Minutes Forward to discuss the quote, “What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? The attitude towards it.”

In this short conversation, Ajanay shares how this quote has inspired her when facing obstacles and embracing each interruption as an opportunity for something new.

About Ajanay Homsher

Ajanay Homsher’s passion as BDR’s Production Specialist is to ensure that the quality of training materials exceeds industry standards, that BDR’s trainers are set up for success, and that clients have a positive and seamless experience during every training class.
Having worked in the customer service industry for roughly 10 years, she is strongly dedicated to helping resolve issues and cultivate a positive atmosphere. Ajanay hopes all class participants can implement what they have learned and continue growing within their specialty areas.

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