Prepare your business for the future at Build to Sell, Build to Keep


Don’t miss the opportunity to attend Build to Sell, Build to Keep: Building A Company With Great Value!

This is a two-day class that will give you the tools and information to build value in your current company while preparing for a potential future sale or transfer to a family member.

Attendees will learn how to:

  • Improve net profit
  • Build a corporate structure that frees up the owner
  • Implement a diversification strategy that includes offering high efficiency equipment and accessories
  • Complete a detailed analysis of their current company
  • Build a plan to maximize their company’s strengths and improve their weaknesses.

“Besides identifying company weaknesses and focus points, it gave me a timeline of figuring out what a good timeline is and when you start planning the process.”

Dave Nerthling

The time to start maximizing the value of your company, freeing up the owner’s time, and preparing for a successful future sale is now.

If you’d like more details on upcoming events, click here